
Friday, 21 May 2010

EDINBURGH: Online now!

Be sure and watch in HD (click the 720p option in the bottom right of the player). I hope you like it!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

GRADED UNIT: Developing Stage Complete & Update

I'm pleased to say the Developing Stage of my Graded Unit is now complete. Edinburgh has been submitted to my College along with all the relevant paper work. Today I received  a licence to use the quote I had originally hoped to use at the start of the film, which I'm very pleased about. Hopefully that means I can upload Edinburgh to my YouTube page real soon. 

I'm now on to the Evaluation Stage where I've to produce a essay evaluating my performance in making Edinburgh. I'm also hoping to enter the film into a few competitions..

More news soon!

Monday, 10 May 2010

GRADED UNIT: Online soon!

The Graded Unit Development Stage is due for submission at the end of this week and so far (touch wood) things are on track. "Edinburgh" itself is complete. I was hoping to use a quote at the beginning of the film but obtaining permission for it is proving difficult and potentially costly so I may have to replace it in the final version. The DVD is complete and now in it's 3rd version, I'm testing it on different DVD players to ensure compatibility. I've had good feedback from my client and I'm now looking forward to uploading Edinburgh to various websites, which will happening within the next week!

Now... better finish that paperwork