
Monday, 20 February 2012

Big Ridge Chocolates: Have you tried them?

I've Just returned from taking some more photographs at the delicious Big Ridge Chocolates.  It's exciting times there as new flavours are being created and other big plans for 2012 are falling in to place. Not sure who Big Ridge Chocolates are? Then watch a short video (created by RichTeaV), here! They've been generating quite a bit of interest and have been featured in the Press & Journal, check out the article (and RichTeaV's photo) here!

Sighthill's High Rises

Very pleased to see this project reach completion and proud to have been behind the camera for some of the filming (interview with Heather Kirkland & shots of preparation work in & outside of flats).

Well done Stevenson TV on documenting the blow down. Take a look!